My fave game of the month: February!

Well here we are at the end of February. I've been a Nintendo Switch owner for about a month and I have played some really nice games. I thought what I'd do going forward (as much to help me keep track of what I've played as anything 😃) is to have a brief look back at the games I experience each month and choose which was my favorite. There's no set criteria really, other than the amount of enjoyment the game gave me - which could be for a number of different factors. Who knows, maybe I'll round up the best of each month in December and pick my game of the year! But enough prattle! What have I played this month? I started February pretty much exclusively playing Super Mario Odyssey (top left in the pic above, of course.) Then I moved on to the indie Metroidvania Dandara (top middle), then the point and click adventure Earthworms (bottom left), tough precision platformer The End Is Nigh (top right) and finally puzzle platformer Membrane (...