Thoughts on Star Wars: The Rise of Skywalker


I'm sure that by now, many people will have formed an opinion on the latest Star Wars movie.

Reviews have popped up all over Youtube and online from the critics - the majority of those I have seen label it as mediocre at best and a messy disappointment otherwise.

I went to see The Rise of Skywalker yesterday morning and kept an open mind.

While I wasn't in love with the entirety of The Last Jedi which came before it, I largely liked that film and some scenes were simply great.

I think I just had the same (but more acute) experience here. I was expecting an epic thrill ride with some twists and turns to round off this latest chapter in the long running tale.

The film delivers some of that. Some of the action scenes are captivating and overall everything looks lovely.

But for every "wow" moment I had, there was a bit of seemingly forced or predictable humor or a convenient bit of writing which shunted the plot forward and took me out of the experience.

I've seen it said that there's a lot of, for want a better phrase, "fetch-quests" in this film, and I'd agree with that.

Characters do indeed have a bit of running around to do in order to achieve certain things and to me, at times it just felt a bit uninteresting.

I won't give away any plot details if I can help it, but in terms of twists and revelations there were some, but sadly none of them really blew me away.

If anything, most of them left me feeling a bit indifferent. It's not that I completely dislike the direction they took with the story, it just felt a bit cheap in some places - or perhaps that the relevant buildup hadn't been done well enough to make the bigger moments really pay off.

Ultimately I'm sad to say that while I had enjoyed some of it, I left the cinema feeling a bit underwhelmed.

Like I say, there were great moments in there and perhaps a handful of them stand out in my memory - but I had hoped for more.

While I'm not an expert on the production of the series, I think perhaps it would have been better to let one director have a blueprint and oversee this whole trilogy.

I did get the sense in The Rise of Skywalker that there were a number of elements which had to be addressed and referenced just for continuity from the previous film. It made it feel a bit cluttered.

So overall I'd still say go and see it for yourself and make your own mind up, especially if you're a Star Wars fan and have enjoyed the previous two.

There are things to enjoy here, but (in my opinion anyway) it could have been better.

Have you seen The Rise of Skywalker? Let me know your (spoiler free) thoughts below!


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