Final Fantasy VII: Revisiting a classic adventure (Switch)

Final Fantasy games from the original Playstation era will always have a special place in my heart. They were among the first RPGs I played for any significant length of time - the first ones which really hooked me, at least. And although the eighth entry in this long running series was the first one I actually owned, it was the seventh which first drew me in. I fondly recall listening to every detail, poring over the instruction manuals and guides my friends brought in to school and being totally glued to the screen as they played their way through its epic, twisting and turning story. It wasn't until a few years later that I returned to play it for myself. I've replayed it many times since and wow - what a game. Final Fantasy VII opens with a bang as Cloud Strife, Barrett Wallace and members of an action group called Avalanche infiltrate and destroy a reactor owned by a company the Shinra Corporation. From there Cloud finds himself embroiled in a struggle with ...