Remember when.. we used cheat and guide books? [Pt1]

I've been going through some of my old game memorabilia and as is to be expected, I'm all nostalgic. As a result, this is the first in what may be a short series of posts looking at some stuff which has been buried in drawers and boxes for who knows how long. Hopefully, it may stir some pleasant memories for you as it has for me, and if so - please do comment below! I'd love to hear your thoughts and opinions. In this thrilling installment of "sifting through my old tat" I present to you: cheat books and guide books. It struck me in the not too distant past that these must be more or less obsolete for the majority of people now because, lets face it, who would want to thumb through a book looking for answers when you can get them in an instant somewhere like Google or Youtube? There are of course lengthy and glossy official game guides available for many titles, but the little volumes of concentrated wisdom I'm referring to here often cam...